Erwin Rommel, 1/18 scale
Tamiya's 1/18 scale Erwin Rommel figure. Other than accenting undercuts on the uniform with scribing by an X-acto knife and a Dremel tool, the figure is stock. Painting was done with enamels brushed on in translucent layers. Details (epaulettes, insignia, medals, buttons, piping) were done with a combination of enamels, metallics and acrylics. The boots were painted with enamels and 'shined' with applications of Future acrylic floor polish.
The base is a cheap craft plaque painted gloss black and topped with sheet styrene scribed and painted to resemble an antique tiled floor. The railing is a combination of dollhouse basswood molding, spruce strip and plastic strip and sheet.
Is this a self-portrait of your alter ego?
People have some fascinating hobbies. And as long as they are fascinated, that's fine by me x
So, when are you going to do Churchill?
I knew that underneath that astute political exterior resided a very sick and twisted envy you the time and money to build models, I think your work is excellent! The last time I had a similar past time was when I built and flew model rockets. It's a labor of love that only those who do it understand. My dream is to build a quarter scale Syrian MIG and fly it around the White House just to see what can bet those SAM batteries on the roof would think it's the real thing, those dumbasses!
And the best part, damn near no IR signature for them to lock-on a Stinger.
I wish I had the time to build like I want. The Spit XII has been an ongoing project for about 3 years now. Erwin took two concentrated 4-week periods over two years.
Can't wait for retirement >B^D>
Pretty impressive job there, especially on the boots. Shine is so hard to get right.
Thanks, Rain. Yes, some folks try to get too much of a shine on figures and even vehicles, but if they'd look at some photos of the real thing they'd be surprised to see how thin a shine really is in scale.
Look here, the more I scroll down the more I am saying, "Öh wow, Oh wow, Oh wow" Wonderful work!!
My kids love the models also, will keep check of your blog from now on!!
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